Welcome, trainer! You've come a long way in your Pokemon studies, and now
it's time for you to embark on your Pokemon adventure! Before you leave,
you must prove yourself worthy of a Pokemon. To pass the exam, you must
correctly repeat this memory test.
During each round, a sound will play as well as a button will light up.
Each round, an additional button will be lit up, and you must repeat the
exact sequence of buttons. There are a total of 13 rounds. In order to
pass the exam and receive your first Pokemon, you must pass all 13 rounds.
Once you are ready to begin the challenge, you may click on the start
button. You only have 3 lives, so be careful! The exam will end once you
make 3 mistakes. If you'd like to study for the exam, listen to the first
12 seconds of this video.
Good luck!
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